Enjoying rain becomes painful sometimes No ratings yet.


You can be happy and keep your eyes healthy with proper information and precautions while enjoying rain

As soon as the rainy season arrives, we become happy, get rid of hot summer days, greenery all around, rain and really the rainy weather blossoms our hearts, but on other side it creates several problems for our eyes like conjunctivitis, eye-flu, stye, dry-eyes, trachoma etc. During rainy season it becomes very easy for viral attack on eyes, and conjunctivitis spreads like epidemic in rainy season, dry eyes and stye like problems also increases during this season. It is more important for the school and college going students to be alert because the spread of viral attack is more in that class.

Generally children play in dirty water in rainy season and get under the grip of many infectious diseases easily. Clothes which are used for drying hands and legs should be used for eyes and mouth as these can easily carry the virus till your eyes.

Whenever your heart feels to get wet in rain or you are forced to get wet in rain due to some reasons then try to keep your eyes close, it reduces the possibility of viral attack. Maintain distance with infected person and always avoid the use of spectacles lens, handkerchief and towels of infected person. If feeling some kind of irritation or redness in eyes or any type of other problems, immediately contact the eye specialist of nearby areas. Protect your eyes with rain water or air during monsoon. Avoid the use of contact lens whenever you move out of the house during rainy season, and it is necessary to use contact lens in that case always keep the kit with you and as soon as you feel redness in eyes take out lens and keep safely in kit.

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