05 Dec

Our Rights


In our life few things we get very smoothly and for few things we have to struggle hard, in that case should be accept defeat or left trying moving ahead.
When we talk about our rights it becomes more important.
In our life whenever we try to achieve new things , to make our own new ways, we should get our rights also. And if are deprived of our rights we should have the spirit to fight against our rights.
We blind people always keep on demanding our rights regarding 3% reservation, right to equality, equal work within office or rights related to other facilities.
Did we ever thought that there are many more rights which are significant in our life, as we try to demand our rights keeping the daily routine requirement of our life.
Can it happen that all this discussion regarding our rights can be related to techniques.
I consider that technique is the solution of every problem, so technique is having significant role in my life. Today we are not receiving our all rights but we are try for our few basic right , among which one is right of technique.
Technical rights- if we succeed in getting technical right, in that case we would be able to face lots of difficulties of our life. We can also make use of techniques. Softwares are developed in such a way that it becomes very easy for us to work with it.
Oftenly it happen that any how we get job in bank but work is not allotted to us as per our ability. Many times different types of softwares are in use in banks and we are not aware about it, but if training is provided to us we can prove ourself the best.
Nowadays a large number of blind people wants to make their career in field of IT and there will be no importance of education in our life if we are deprived of technical rights.
Above case is not at every place, in few of the private offices we are using the technique in better way. We are demanding for the technical rights and hopefully we will get it but it will be fruitful only when society will relay on us.

27 Nov

सुरक्षा और स्वतंत्नता


Nikita-Patil-hindiसुरक्षा और स्वतंत्नता यह ऐसे दो शब्द हैं, जैसे सिक्के के दो पहलू, कभी कभी इन में कल्पनां की उड़ान होती है तो कभी डर की परछाइं। जहां तक एक सामान्य व्यक्ति के जीवन की बात करें तो उसके जीवन में इन दो शब्दों का जितना महत्व है उतना ही महत्व एक दृष्टिहीन व्यक्ति के जीवन में भी है।
कभी कभी हम इन दो शब्दों में भेद करना ही भूल जाते हैं। आज-कल की अलग-अलग घटनाओं की वजह से हमारे जैसे दृष्टिहीन व्यक्तियों का जीवन कुछ ज्यादा ही बंधनों से घिर गया है। और फिर एक दृष्टिहीन लड़की का जीवन तो और भी मुश्किलों से घिर जाता है।
जब कोई दृष्टिहीन बालक का जन्म होता है तो उसकी स्वतंत्नता और सुरक्षा पर ज्यादा ध्यान दिया जाता है। इससे हमारे जैसे दृष्टिहीनों के मन में कई प्रकार के डर घर कर जाते हैं। इसकी शुरूआत बचपन से ही हो जाती है। फिर चाहे वह खेलकूद की बात हो या पढाई-लिखाई की, हर बात के लिए डर बना रहता है। कई जगह सुरिक्षत तो हो जाते हैं पर कभी स्वतंत्न नहीं बन पाते, और इन्ही कारणों से हम अपना आत्मविश्वास खो देते हैं। फिर हम यही सोचने लगते हैं कि हम जीवन में कुछ खास नही कर पाएंगे।
यह तो एक दृष्टिहीन व्यक्ति की बात हुई, पर अगर दृष्टिहीन एक लड़की हो तो उसे अनेक कठिनाइयों का सामना करना पड़ता है। इसलिए तो दृष्टिहीन लड़कों के मुकाबले लड़कियों में साक्षरता का प्रतिशत कम पाया जाता है।
यहा़ं हम सुरक्षा के खिलाफ नहीं है, बल्किअति सुरक्षा के खिलाफ हैं। मगर इसका मतलब ये तो नहीं कि हम स्वतंत्नता का दुरुपयोग करे। हमें दोनों बातों में सही तालमेल बिठाना जरु री है, इसके लिये यह जरूरी हो जाता है कि हर दृष्टिहीन बालक के माता-पिता अपने बालक को सही शिक्षा दें। अक्सर ऐसा होता है कि माता-पिता अपने बालक को सुरक्षा की चिंता के कारण उसे शिक्षा नहीं देते। अगर माता-पिता अपनी सोच बदलेंगे तो हर दृष्टिहीन बालक शिक्षा ले पाएगा, और हर तरह से स्वतंत्न बन जाएगा।
समाज की भी दृष्टिहीनों के प्रति कुछ जिम्मेदारियां बनती हैं। हम यह नही कहते कि हमें दया की दृष्टि से देखा जाए पर हमें मदद तो कर ही सकते है।
सरकार को भी हमारी सुरक्षा के लिये नई-नई योजनाएं बनानी चाहिए और उन पर अमल होना भी जरु री है। जब इस तरह की पहल होगी तभी हर माता-पिता अपने दृष्टिहीन बालक को स्वतंत्नता दे पाएंगे।
जब हर माता-पिता अपने दृष्टिहीन बालक को हर बात मे स्वतंत्नता देंगे तभी हम जीवन में हर मंजिल को पाएंगे। हम लड़कियों को भी हर जगह काम करने की स्वतंत्नता हर माता-पिता को देनी चाहिए।
जब हम समाज और सरकार से सुरक्षा और स्वतंत्नता की अपेक्षा करते हैं तब हमे भी अपने आप पर विश्वास दिखाना चाहिए। हमें भी अपनी सुरक्षा करने का प्रयास करना चाहिए। हमें कराटे जूडो का प्रशिक्षण लेना चाहिए जिससे हम अपनी सुरक्षा खुद कर पाएं।
जब हम दृष्टिहीन अपनी सोच बदलेंगे, अपने आप पर विश्वास करेंगे तब ही हम सही मायने में सुरिक्षत और स्वतंत्न हो पाएंगे।
इसी सोच के साथ हम हर उंचाईयां पा लेंगे।

26 Nov

Safety and Independence


by Nikita Patil/ Mumbai

Safety and Independence is such two words like the two faces of coin, where sometimes it is imagination and other side shadow of fear. If we talk about the normal person two words are important in their life as the importance of these two words in life of a blind person.
Sometimes we forget to differentiate between these two words. In present times because of the various types of incidents, the life of blind people had been surrounded by problems. Moreover the life of a blind girl becomes tougher surrounded by endless problems.
When a blind child takes birth more attention is paid towards the safety and independence, which give rise to various types of fear in our mind, this starts right from the childhood. Always there is fear in our mind while playing studying or any other thing. Most of the places we become safe but independence is not possible always and because of this we losses our confidence and get mentally prepared that we can’t do anything in our life.
This is all about a blind person, but if that blind person is a girl, she is forced to face many difficulties in every stage of life; this is reason why the ratio of literacy is less among girls in compared to boys.
Here we are not against safety but we are against the extra caring and safety. But this doesn’t means that we should take advantage of independence. It is necessary to keep balance between both. For this it becomes essential for the parents of blind boy to give proper education to child. Generally it is seen that parents due to safety point of view do not provide education to blind child. If the parents will change their thinking, a blind child will be able to get proper education and become independent.
Society also holds some responsibilities towards blinds, we don’t demand sympathy but hope for the help.
Government should prepare new schemes for our safety and it should be implemented. When all this will come in existence, then only parents will be able to give independence to blind child.
When the parents will start giving freedom in all aspects to blind children we will be able to get our goal in life. Parents should also give us freedom to work at any place.
When we hope safety and freedom from government and society, it becomes necessary to show confidence among ourselves. We should also make efforts for our safety. We should take training of judo-karate for our self defence.
When we blind will bring change in our thinking and have faith in ourselves, then only we will become independent and secure in real sense.
With this thought we can reach the sky limit.

07 Sep

How the life of a blind child can be made normal


When a blind child is born in this world or when a family comes to know that their child is blind then the environment of a home turns into gloominess. The worries of the parents of the child increases. The parents think that their child can do nothing and has no future. He won’t be able to read and write, his whole life is in darkness. It is because of this thinking that in future they will have to face many difficulties. This thinking has to be changed by the parents, so what if their child is blind, so what if he hs to face many hurdles, so what if e has to face difficulties in life……
There are many reasons like this that many parents do not allow their child to go out of home. Sometimes parents do not know about the school for blinds, but now government has made a rule that any blind child can go to a normal school to complete education. Parents should not make a difference between blind child and normal child because if the parents thinking don’t change then the child won’t be able to progress in life. In any field, now we are not far behind. Earlier we were only be able to become teachers, professors or telephone operator but now due to technologies there are many ways open for us.
Parents should support their children from their school level itself like letting them mix with normal children. While studying parents should read, should talk about different topics, should ask for suggestions, should be given freedom to say something freely, fulfill the necessities but keep in mind not to change the necessities into a charity. We should inspire motivate him to become what he wants in future
Often parents differentiate between normal and blind child. This should not be so as there is no difference between a blind child and a normal child. It is the responsibility of all parents to give their child a normal life. A blind child should be given training to lead a normal life and like other children parents should have some expectations from him and that should be the thinking of all parents.
Every parent will be a winner when all blind children will be able to read and write and progress in life and become a good human being. If parents are able to change their thinking, then the perspectives towards blind will also be changed.

Nikita Patil  / Mumbai