Drishti 2017 Creative Contest to promote Eye Donation


60 lakhs people waiting for eye donation

Every 5 seconds someone goes blind  | 50 per cent of children who become blind die within two years  |  90 per cent of children who are blind don’t go to school

Our world is so beautiful, the mountains surrounded by greeneries, flowing river water gives a great pleasure to us. The beauty of the things around us fills the colour of joy and happiness in our life. All these beauty of life could be observed through eyes. Would you have ever thought that how the world will look without eyes. To observe this practically, just cover your eyes for two minutes, you will feel darkness throughout the world and the beauty of world will be useless for you. But there are such people in large number throughout the world, having only darkness in their lives; we name them as blind people. Among these blind people, there are such 50 lakh people, whose live could be enlightened only by the cornea through eye donation. However, it is not very hard to get cornea through eye donation, the only thing required is to make efforts to develop awareness among people in this direction.

Keep your love in the soul… Donate EYE

Drishti 2017 – Creative Contest to promote Eye Donation

Entries can be submitted by any Indian. One individual can send entries in multiple categories i.e. Short Film, Audio Jingles, Poster and Design. Only individuals are allowed in contest and no group or organizational entries will be entertained.

There are two awards in each category viz “Golden Eye” and “Silver Eye” for the winner and runner-up. Apart from Golden Eye and Silver Eye Award, there is one more award “Audience Choice Award” for Online Voting.

Last date of the submitting entries in all four categories is 15th October, 2017

Short Film | Audio Jingles | Poster | Design

Drishti Creative Contest 2011-2016

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