Five visually impaired youngsters win VIP trip aboard the London Eye | Action for Blind People

Five visually impaired youngsters from Yorkshire, were given VIP treatment aboard the London Eye this week, after winning a writing competition in which they were asked to tell us what they most love about our Actionnaires clubs.

The five winners and their parents were welcomed aboard their own VIP London Eye capsule. Like the majority of people with sight loss, the youngsters do have some vision, allowing them to enjoy the stunning views.

Jorja Brown (aged 11), who is a member of Leeds Actionnaires, said: “It was my first time in London and on the Eye, so I really enjoyed looking out at the whole of the city and being able to see the attractions from a great height.”

at RNIB’s head-office near Kings Cross (105 Judd Street). They sampled an array of gizmos and gadgets, including vibrating bank note detectors, talking microwaves, and electric magnifiers; all designed to help people with sight loss to live more independently.

Sheffield Actionnaires’ member, Emma Ellis’ favourite piece of technology was a colour sensor.  She said: “It’s magic! You push the sensor against your clothes or something else and a voice reads out the colour. How does it do that? It’s great if you can’t see much.”

Curated from Five visually impaired youngsters win VIP trip aboard the London Eye | Action for Blind People