MEMPHIS, Tenn.: Toyos Clinic Uses New Intense Pulse Light Procedure for Dry Eye Disease | Business Wire | Rock Hill Herald Online

states that 10 percent of women over the age of forty suffer from Dry Eye Disease, a painful irritation causing a scratchy feeling o

reported effective and conclusive results after a 3 year study on DED. The results reflected a 93 percent efficacy rate in improving patients’ symptoms related to DED. The case series was conducted with 91 patients presenting with severe Dry Eye Syndrome and the treatment


on his treatment and technology. “It is exciting to see an idea that we have been working on since 2001 mature into a treatment and technology to benefit patients who need relief from this debilitating disease.”


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There is a growing number of patients reporting symptoms of Dry Eye Disease(DED) every year, with no conclusive treatment until now. In a research paper published this month in reported effective and conclusive results after a 3 year study on DED. The results reflected a 93 percent efficacy rate in improving patients’ symptoms related to DED. The case series was conducted with 91 patients presenting with severe Dry Eye Syndrome and the treatment


Curated from MEMPHIS, Tenn.: Toyos Clinic Uses New Intense Pulse Light Procedure for Dry Eye Disease | Business Wire | Rock Hill Herald Online