Future Eye Health Leaders in Africa lauded | UKZAMBIANS


Dr. Tesfaye Tadesse, a young Ophthalmologist from Ethiopia received the award for compiling the most outstanding resident abstract for the congress. The abstract titled “A Randomised Clinical Trial Comparing Retrobulbar Injection of Absolute Alcohol and Chlorpromazine in Managing Painful Blind Eyes at Menelik II Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia” confirmed that both absolute alcohol and chlorpromazine (CPZ) are effective and comparable agents in managing painful blind eyes.

“Since resources are limited in my country, as they are in other African countries, the evidence of this paper provides local ophthalmologists the option of using locally available agents with the assurance that they will have satisfactory results. Winning the award is like one of those dream come true moments. Thank you very much for giving me this magnificent opportunity,” exclaimed a delighted Dr. Tadessa.

“Although existing literature had shown both alcohol and CPZ to be effective agents, Dr. Tadessa’s study looked at proving their comparative efficacy and safety using a randomised controlled trial which is considered to be the gold standard of research design and resulted in more conclusive evidence,” explains Dr. Dhalla, Research Lead at COECSA and head of the selection panel.

“This is the type of research which gives evidence to our practice and should therefore be encouraged. Not only did the research design fit very well with the conference theme of “Promoting Evidence Based Practice in Eye Health”, but also the research topic is not a common theme. The findings will be very useful for the clinicians who treat these conditions which are not uncommon in our area,” said Dhalla.

Dr. Tadessa received the award, which is co-sponsored by Orbis, a global non-profit organisation working in developing countries to reduce preventable and treatable blindness and visual impairment, and The College of Ophthalmology of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (COECSA). The award was established this year as part of COECSA’s commitment to develop future eye health leaders through mentorship and career planning. Orbis’ sponsorship is based on the organisations drive to strengthen Human Resources for Eye Health (HReH) in Africa“We believe that due recognition will feed into developing the general field of ophthalmology in the region as well as contributing to policy development and implementation. The most effective entry point, in our view, is through the young ophthalmologists currently undergoing training or recently graduated and have entered into active service in the country,” explains Dr. Dhalla

“One of the biggest barriers to the goal of providing eye health for all in Africa is the critical shortage of eye health workers. Orbis in partnership with the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) Africa and in collaboration with COECSA will effectively roll out HReH strengthening activities in the Eastern, Central and Southern Africa region through the Human Resources Strengthening Initiative for Eye Health in Africa,” explains Ms. Halli Manolakos-Tsehisi, Associate Director of Programmes at Orbis Africa.

Curated from Future Eye Health Leaders in Africa lauded | UKZAMBIANS