Marriage of Blind Couples – Agra Convention 2014



Blind Stars Beyond Facebook Bridging The Gap

7th to 9th November, 2014

Marriage of Blind Couples – varied experiences in perspective:

This session was one of the most awaited and thought-provoking sessions of the Convention. Blind couples and blind-non blind couples shared their experiences of running household and shouldering responsibilities as couples. The highlights of the session are as follows:

  • Vulnerability of blind girls in matters of finding a suitable groom emerged as the key concern.
  • Many delegates brought to the fore the issue of well-settled blind men marrying sighted girls and facing hardships and compatibility problems at later stages.
  • Blind couples shared their experiences of managing household and professional responsibilities with the aid of technological tools and determination.

Delegates endorsed the fact that emotional compatibility and mutual understanding and respect should be the core criteria for choosing a life partner among the visually impaired rather than choosing on the basis of physical attributes of a person.

Read the full report – Agra Convention 2014 – Report – HTML with Audio/Video

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