5 Million people are waiting for eye donation
Keep your love in the soul…
Donate Eyes
All about Eye Donation (Short Film, Posters, Audio Jingles)
Every 5 seconds someone goes blind
50 percent of children who become blind die within two years
90 percent of children who are blind don’t go to school
Our efforts can make the blind people’s world colourful
Eye Donation – F.A.Q.
Keep your love in the soul, Donate Eyes
if we want to give eye sight to one lakh people we will require nearly 2 lakh cornea
नेत्रदान के इंतजार में हैं पचास लाख लोग
यदि एक लाख नेत्रहीनों में ट्रांसप्लांट करने है तो कम से कम दो लाख कॉर्निया का दान करवाना होगा
List of selected Eye Bank in India
Drishti 2016 – Short Film Contest to promote Eye Donation
Cast your vote and help us to chose the best entry for Drishti 2016 – Creative Contest; promote / Support Eye Donation campaign.
Voting Dates: 15 October, 2016 – 28 October 2016
Drishti 2016
One Moment please
One Moment plea..
A family is shown engrossed in watching television. Suddenly, power is cut and there is darkness everywhere. The power usually gets restored after sometime but we complain about it. We are not able to bear the darkness even for
Life is so beautiful. There are nearly an infinite number of colors. All the things on earth have a color whether its sky, birds, animals, trees, or a simple table. We all are more naturally drawn to some colors more
Story of a blind girl with wonderful artistic skill. Her exploration of world through other senses. The little girl lacks colures of world. The film ends hoping on the possibilities of eye donation.
Ek Ummid Roshani Ki is a short film of duration 4.55 minutes to promote eye donation. This film is basically reflect the difficulties of the blind life and appeal to the people to donate their eyes after death. This film
Short film to promote Eye Donation.