Eye health and diabetes | MSU Extension

For people with diabetes, eye care is especially important. In many cases, diabetes may be diagnosed by your eye doctor before you’re aware you have the disease. That’s because uncontrolled blood sugars may cause changes to the back of the eye or retina. Minor changes may occur that you’re unaware of; eventually leading to damage that could result in blindness. This is why it’s so important for everyone to have a yearly eye exam, especially people with diabetes.

and is one of the serious side effects of uncontrolled diabetes. People with diabetes are also more prone to develop cataracts and glaucoma. Whether or not you develop these eye conditions may depend on how well controlled your blood sugar is, the status of your blood pressure and your genes. All three of these factors play a role in the health of your eyes.

All people with diabetes need to follow recommended guidelines. In addition to your yearly eye exam and dental check, you also need to be aware of your blood pressure, cholesterol levels and albumin levels. Every three to six months, you should have your A1C checked to determine the history of your past blood glucose levels.

Curated from Eye health and diabetes | MSU Extension