Prevent Blindness study aims to promote eye health | Optometry

Along with other organizations, Prevent Blindness and its National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health are cosponsoring an Institute of Medicine study, according to a press release issued by Prevent Blindness.

The consensus study, titled “Public Health Approaches to Reduce Vision Impairment and Promote Eye Health,” will involve an expert committee that spans multiple disciplines.

The report will “describe limitations and opportunities to improve vision and eye health surveillance; reduce vision and eye health disparities; promote evidence-based strategies to improve knowledge, access and utilization to eye care; identify comorbid conditions and characterize their impact; and promote

is a public health organization,” Hugh R. Parry, president and CEO of Prevent Blindness, said in the release. “We believe that, by joining this effort, we can have a tremendous impact on the vision health of all Americans and better understand the issues involved and the specific ways in which we can successfully address them.

“We are excited to be a part of this groundbreaking effort,” he added, “the results of which will allow us to work collaboratively with other key stakeholders in the field to make a positive impact on vision and eye health across the country.”

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Curated from Prevent Blindness study aims to promote eye health | Optometry