Glaucoma – Silent Thief of Sight


Why Glaucoma – Silent Thief of Sight ? All  around the world about 6.5 crores people are struggling against Glaucoma, among which 1.5 crores are in India. If  talk  about the  Glaucoma Society of India survey, the 12 percent of people becoming blind are because off Glaucoma out of total blinds.

Glaucoma – Silent Thief of Sight

Glaucoma makes the eyes permanently blind. Like other few diseases Glaucoma is also detected at final stage by which nothing remains in our hand. The only way to protect us from this is to detect this disease as soon as possible, mostly it occurs or more harmful for the people above 40 age.

Aqueous humour, a fluid substance providing nourishment and proper shape to eyes is being secreted continuously by the tissues situated around the lens, this fluid drains to inner part of the eyes through cornea. In this ways the formation and flow of aqueous humour in eyes is continuous process. Continuous formation and flowing of this fluid is necessary for healthy eyes and its balance is called intraocular pressure. Sometimes the nerves get blocked and drainage of this liquid is stopped, but the formation of this fluid continues and its increases its pressure upon optic nerve and sometimes it results in complete blindness. Thats why we say Glaucoma – Silent Thief of Sight.

The common symptoms of this disease are the changing the power of spectacles frequently, the eye sight decreases day by day and it becomes difficult to see in room light. Headache becomes common for sufferer and rainbow colours are visible in light rays


  • Small and colourful spots are seen in front eyes
  • Colourful circles with rainbow circles are visible in front of eyes.
  • Feeling giddiness and vomiting.
  • Pain in eyes
  • Affects side vision only, other vision remains normal

Who can be affected from Glaucoma

• Any member of the family suffering from cataract
• Diabetes patients
• Using high minus or plus number spectacles
• Hypertension
• Gone for eye surgery
• Suffering from thyroid
• Suffering from cataract from long period
• Got eye injury in past
• Habitual of using eye drops from long time

Types of Glaucoma

Visibility decreases day by day in Primary open angle or Chronic Glaucoma, however patient never feels pain. In Closed angle or acute glaucoma, the drainage of fluid from eyes totally stops and pressure increases and symptoms could be easily observed. The symptoms of this type of Glaucoma can be easily detected. Congenial glaucoma is seen in children by birth.

Is cure of Glaucoma possible?

Glaucoma – Silent Thief of Sight

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