World Glaucoma Week 2016 – Save your sight


Welcome to World Glaucoma Week 2016 / #WGW2016! All around the world about 6.5 crores people are struggling against Glaucoma, among which 1.5 crores are in India. If talk about the Glaucoma Society of India survey, the 12 percent of people becoming blind are because off Glaucoma out of total blinds.


World Glaucoma Week is a joint initiative between the World Glaucoma Association and the World Glaucoma Patient Association and has had a highly successful run for the past 7 years. World Glaucoma Week is held in March each year to increase awareness about glaucoma.

If you have glaucoma, you can use the occasion to inform your family:

They have an increased risk (up to 10 times higher than the general population) and
Their best protection is to have a regular and comprehensive eye check that includes a review of their optic nerves. This is more than just an eye pressure test.

During World Glaucoma Week (6 – 12 March, 2016) you can Beat Invisible Glaucoma in families. We need your help in making World Glaucoma Weeks successful and creating greater glaucoma awareness, so please:

Involve your glaucoma patients as you Organize a screening event in your local institute/hospital,
Give a lecture to a patient support group
Participate in radio & TV shows to talk about glaucoma and to answer questions,
Contact newspapers to publish information about glaucoma.

Do you know? Glaucoma makes the eyes permanently blind. Like other few diseases Glaucoma is also detected at final stage by which nothing remains in our hand. The only way to protect us from this is to detect this disease as soon as possible, mostly it occurs or more harmful for the people above 40 age.

The common symptoms of this disease are the changing the power of spectacles frequently, the eye sight decreases day by day and it becomes difficult to see in room light. Headache becomes common for sufferer and rainbow colours are visible in light rays. Lets know more about Glaucoma.

Glaucoma – Silent Thief of Sight
Cure of Glaucoma possible?
Glaucoma FAQ
Glaucoma Quiz – How much you know about Glaucoma?
NEI Glaucoma Quiz – save sight
Glaucoma grasped my life – Divya Sharma
Living Life with Glaucoma – Divya Sharma

काला मोतियाबिंद ग्‍लूकोमा – चुपके से चुरायें आपकी आंखों की रोशनी
काला मोतियाबिंद ठीक हो सकता है क्या?
और ग्‍लूकोमा ने मेरे जीवन को अपने चंगुल में जकड़ लिया – दिव्‍या शर्मा
ग्‍लूकोमा के साथ जीवन – दिव्‍या शर्मा

More details about World Glaucoma Week and many examples of glaucoma awareness activities around the world are to be found on the WGW website.

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