The Office Memorandum on the Scribes ’ should be enforced without discrimination
Avinash Shahi
Latest posts by Avinash Shahi (see all)
- The Office Memorandum on the Scribes ’ should be enforced without discrimination - June 25, 2015
- Wedding reception of blind couples - June 15, 2015
- My trip to NIVH – Some Reflections - June 4, 2015
The Indian government has constituted a committee to review the Office Memorandum on amanuinses for persons with disabilities. The Office Memorandum for the use of scribes which was issued in February 2013 puts the onus on the exam-conducting bodies for…
Wedding reception of blind couples
Avinash Shahi
Latest posts by Avinash Shahi (see all)
- The Office Memorandum on the Scribes ’ should be enforced without discrimination - June 25, 2015
- Wedding reception of blind couples - June 15, 2015
- My trip to NIVH – Some Reflections - June 4, 2015
Writing from the wedding reception of blind couples In the last one-month, I attended wedding ceremony of three of my former school classmates in Delhi. All three have married to blind girls,and these lovebirds chose to tread life’s journey together…

My trip to NIVH – Some Reflections
Avinash Shahi
Latest posts by Avinash Shahi (see all)
- The Office Memorandum on the Scribes ’ should be enforced without discrimination - June 25, 2015
- Wedding reception of blind couples - June 15, 2015
- My trip to NIVH – Some Reflections - June 4, 2015
NIVH – The National Institute of Visually handicap NIVH is the autonomous institution under MSJE which deals with the concerns of blind people. On a recent trip to Dehradoon, yesterday we visited this grand institution. We reached in the morning around…

Admission Open for TCS Maitree
i Care info
Latest posts by i Care info (see all)
- LVPEI Opens Secondary Centre in Rayagada - September 2, 2015
- First time in Bihar premature baby Retina treated in NICU - July 26, 2015
- Admission Open for TCS Maitree - June 3, 2015
Advanced Computer Training Centre (ACTC) at Mitra Jyothi, Bangalore Admission Open for TCS Maitree – Mitra Jyothi in collaboration with Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. – Maitree, is organizing the 14th batch of Advanced Computer Training Center (ACTC) for Visually Impaired….

NVDA 2015.2 Released for testing
Minar Devi Singh
Latest posts by Minar Devi Singh (see all)
- NVDA 2015.2 Released for testing - May 29, 2015
- Visually Impaired & Assistive Technology - April 4, 2014
- Self–Learning - March 5, 2014
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome NVDA 2015.2 release candidate 1 ready for testing NVDA 2015.2 Released for testing If you wanted to read math content more effectively, navigate sentence by sentence in Microsoft Word or have access to a chart…

Disability and Suicide: Who is guilty?
Avinash Shahi
Latest posts by Avinash Shahi (see all)
- The Office Memorandum on the Scribes ’ should be enforced without discrimination - June 25, 2015
- Wedding reception of blind couples - June 15, 2015
- My trip to NIVH – Some Reflections - June 4, 2015
One of the rikshaw-pullers once told me, “to have born in a poor family is the biggest crime”. Sensing his words which were the expressions out of experience, I didn’t approve and said its beyond one’s control. isn’t it? Yet…
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